Fantasy Pro – Fairy Flesh Set 74.101
ערכה של 8 צבעי עור לדמויות מעלם הפנטזיה, דמויות היבסטוריות או מסצנות מלחמה
צבעים וחומרים הכלולים בערכה (Model Air)
74.001 – Nocturna Shadow
74.002 – Burned Flesh
74.003 – Reddish Flesh
74.004 – Basic Flesh
74.005 – Medium Flesh
74.006 – Natural Flesh
74.007 – Faily Flesh
74.008 – Highlight Skin
Fantasy Pro – Fairy Flesh Set
A set of eight acrylic water based colours for painting skin tones with intense colours for small scale fantasy figures, or low saturation natural skin colours of historical figures or figures in war scenarios. The colours are self-leveling and cover in one applications without leaving brush marks; they dry to a matte, permanent finish. Can be used for brush and airbrush